Magdalena Kalieva

Country: Bulgaria - Role: Artist
FabrianoInAcquarello 2024 Artist

I love watercolor and experiment with it only. The spirit of watercolor lived inside me. I love the water and the mysterious process of infusing the paint into the water, the controlled and accidental spills between the color and the water. Often jokingly called myself "balancer". Balance is a must for everyone and for me this is one way to achieve it.

Most often I draw when traveling. Illustrate my own travel notes. I have published four books entirely with my texts and watercolors. I love to say that the text illustrates my paintings rather than back - painting to reinforce the text.  I let my hand feel the place where I am and through the drawings to convey my complex sense of time-space.

I am a member of the International Watercolor Society. In 2019-2023 my paintings were selected for participation in 55 international watercolor exhibitions on 4 continents. I was honored with a Diploma in III. International watercolor festival CASTRA 2019 in Slovenia. My watercolor is listed in the top 70 best watercolors in the Flora section of a competition organized by Malaysia in 2019. First place in the nomination "Symbolic picture" in The International Watercolor Contest "WATERCOLORium" - Moscow - 2020. Second place in the NeoExpressionism nomination in Abstractum Festival 2020 in St. Peterburg. 2021 – Honorary award in the 1st International Watercolor Exhibition and Competition Singapore - 2021. 2020 – Winner  in the 3rd Siberian Watercolor Salon in Novosibirsk - Russia. 2022 - Winner in Spain.

Biological spieces

Kal(ieva)eidoscope, 2022

On a date with autumn, watercolor, 2021, 38Х56 сm

Watercolor Conversation 38X56 cm

Watercolor Passport Portrait 56X38 cm

Watercolor The Theatrical 38X56 cm

Watercolor Contrasts - 56X38 cm

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