Carrie Waller

Country: United States of America (the) - Role: Artist
FabrianoInAcquarello 2024 Artist

Carrie Waller is a watercolor artist working in a realistic, detailed style.  Her studies in Interior Design and Graphic Design as well as her time spent living in Europe an Asia have influenced her as an artist.  Carrie currently works from her Tokyo, Japan studio where she has resided for the last 7 years. Her unique works are bold, vibrant and dramatic.

 Carrie has won numerous awards and has been published in many publications including the Watercolor Artist Magazine, The Art of Watercolor, Pratique des Arts,  Artist's and Illustrators, International Artist’s Magazine, American Art Collector, Southwest Artist’s Magazine and Splash, The Best of Watercolor series,  14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, and 23.  Carrie won the Grand Prize in the American Women Artist's 2020 Museum Competition. She is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society, American Women Artist, Louisiana Watercolor Society, Mid-Southern Watercolorists and Watercolor Honor Society.   She teaches workshops, online and in person.

Composition in Pink and Purple

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I started painting lightbulbs several years ago and now have a series of paintings starring this subject. My series began when incandescent bulbs were in jeopardy of being banned in the United States. I started thinking about just how important lighting

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