Irina Sanotskaya

Nickname: Irina
Country: Italy - Role: Artist
FabrianoInAcquarello 2024 Artist

My love for watercolor painting has started on March 20, 2020 during the lockdown.

From that day on, I paint every day and learn the magic of this wonderful medium.

In spring of 2021 and 2022 I participated in the JIWI Japan online exhibition.

I also was included in the top 10 watercolorists of the

IWS Pennsylvania's 1st Online Juried Exhibition "Arts In The Time Of Covid"

Took part in the 4th International Watercolor Festival Castra 2021, IWS Slovenia.

And also in festival "watercolor with love" IWS Russia before the military aggression against Ukraine!
My dream to attend the world Congress of watercolor Fabriano has come true this year! 

This autumn of 2022 I became the finalist of the Freedom International watercolor festival Ukraine and have participated as an invited member in the charity project for the children with autism "Pennellate D'autismo " at the exhibition and also for the calendar 2023.

In November 2022 I became a member of  CB Association of the Watercolor of Italy and I'm eager to take part in the Fabriano Congress. 



Pesciolini Sardi

Suono del mare

Irina Sanotskaya_le pietre di spiaggia_38/56

Mare Ligure

Pesciolini sardi


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