Ronald Malone

Nickname: Ron
Country: United States of America (the) - Role: Artist
FabrianoInAcquarello 2024 Artist

Ronald Malone, FWS, GWS, PWS

Bartow, FL

While studying to become an art teacher I took a class in watercolor painting. I found it fascinating the way water moved and mixed the transparent colors to form unusual patterns and textures. I thought at that point, someday I would try to master watercolor painting.

Fast forward forty years later.  The year is 2015.   My career in management consulting up to this point did not allow much time for hobbies.  I bought some paint, brushes and paper and enrolled in a beginner’s watercolor painting class.  The moment I created my first wash, I was “hooked.”

Most of my paintings are portraits.   I find capturing the eyes and expression of a person in a painting challenging.  I paint almost every day.  I like trying new techniques and color mixes with various subject in different settings. 

Watercolor is a medium which offers so many variations for the artist.  I have only “scratched the surface” of this medium’s potential.

I find myself looking back to college days when I had plans to be an art teacher.  Now I am teaching watercolor painting.  I got pulled into teaching classes and workshops by friends who wanted me to show them how I painted.  I now teach a weekly watercolor class live and via Zoom.  I conduct demos and workshops throughout the year.   

I love teaching and welcome anyone to call or write with any assistance I can be to them.

Hat Lady Virginia

Ronald Malone 2021 Rackleman

Ronald Malone Rackleman 15x22

Ronald Malone, Rackleman Blues Guitaring

Gloria, The Hat Lady

Lewis's Local Fruit and Vegetable Stand

The Late, Great Robert Rackleman

Cindra's Favorites

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