Hannie Rieuwerts

Nickname: Hannie
Country: Netherlands - Role: Artist
FabrianoInAcquarello 2024 Artist

Watercolor for me is something I am addicted to. Since I started to paint with watercolor when I was 20 years old, I hardly ever paint with something else. I love the transparency and the colours merge into each other. No other material has that effect. Every time it is a challenge to control the water and the pigments and I love it
I love being in Fabriano where watercolour painters from all over the world meeting each other and exchange experiences and technics with each other. Painters  are not like musicians performing in a group but in the silence of their Studio’s so it is a great opportunity to meet each other and find out that we all are speaking the same language.

I have been president of IWS Holland for 9 years

I am Mastermember of IWS World

I am Signature member of AWS

I have been countryleader for Fabrianoinacquarello for 8 years

Evening in Bologna

Dogs are not allowed

Time for a drink , 56x38cm.

Moonlight Shadow. Accepted by the AWS in 2024. I am a Signature member now!

Red, Rouge, Rood! 38x56cm Accepted bij the AWS 2023

Little Sunshine 38x56cm Accepted by the AWS 2022

beautiful autumn

Winterlight makes long shadows on this bicycles 56x76cm.

One of my favorite paintings. I tried to catch the beautiful light under the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam

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