Elise Miron

Nickname: Anne Élise Miron
Country: Canada - Role: Artist
FabrianoInAcquarello 2024 Artist







The symbolism of the elements inspires me as much in its figurative form as in abstract.


How can we represent the wind, the movement, the spirit of an element, the intangible,

a state of being.


Although I had to create my own symbols, the line, the curve, thepoints, the geometric shapes, are part of these symbols, but I also use the known ones in order to convey to the spectators an emotion as intense as possible.


The symbolism of colors will also be important in my works in order to convey an emotion of calm or passion.


Nature and my environment inspire me. Light, shade, animals, nature catches my eye and gives me favorites that I share on the web.


I also try to have no barriers as to the medium I use. Watercolor has been my passion for almost 40 years. The medium is only a pretext, an experience, a challenge or a tool in order to serve the execution of a work to the maximum. I use texture mediums as well as collages of fabrics or paper as a background, the important thing is to create an element of curiosity in the viewer in order to capture his attention, to make him live an emotional and enriching experience.













When autumn arrives

Le Funambulle

Vent de passion 56 x 38 cm Arches cold press 140lb

Entre ciel et mer, 56 x 38 Arches cold press 140lb technique batik

Torrent 56 x 38 Arches cold press 140lb technique batik

Rouge passion, 56 x 38 Fabriano Artistico 300lb

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