Wangshu Sheng-Schnaut

Country: Germany - Role: Artist

I love life, nature and human beings, therefore my favorite themes in paintings are landscape, architectures, figures and portraits. For me nature is an endless source of beauty and positive energy, and eyes, hands or a gesture tell so many things about a person, so I would like to express these in my paintings.

Both, paintings and music, are moving people and touching their souls, however in very different ways: paintings have a kind of quiet power, which is so strong that sometimes I stand in front of a beautiful painting and I feel I can stay for hours just looking at it, thinking… .

I am a member of DAG/GWS.

A Friday Afternoon


Lost in reading

Artists meet in Fabriano

Enjoying the sunset

Plein air in Fabriano

Huge size demo in Fabriano

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