Lea Nixon

Nickname: Lea
Country: England - Role: Country admin
FabrianoInAcquarello Leader

I live close to Wigan in the North West of England.  I was a full time teacher in art and music until a few years ago when I decided to devote all my time to those two subjects on a personal level.

I have exhibited in the Royal Institute of Watercolour Painters (RI) and the New English Art club (NEAC) in the Mall Galleries, London at their annual exhibitions.

I prefer plein air watercolour painting and my favourite subjects are land and cityscapes. I teach adult watercolour classes in the UK and painting holidays abroad.

Musically I write and perform with a duo called Pelican Babies. One achievement of note was a song being included on an album for the film called Zenon Z3 by Walt Disney.



Amalfi Umbrellas

English Mist


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