Julia Yakovleva

Nickname: Юлія
Country: Ukraine - Role: Artist

Yakovleva Julia


Hi me name is Yulia Yakovleva, Im a professional watercolor artist. For several years I heen actively working in watercolor technique. This is my main and favorite technique. I am inspired by the beauty of the world around me, which I strve to convey in my paintings. The subjects of my paintings are often landscapes, architecture, flowers, or animals. In my paintings, I put some meaning. One of my favorite subjects of cityscapes and architectural monuments. Most often it is the architecture of Ukraine and my hometown of Chernivtsi. In the image of the street of the old city you can convey its incredible atmosphere, beauty and long history. In depicting the state of nature, I strive to convey the uniqueness and uniqueness of each day. As the colors and the state of the sky are not repeated, so the life of man changes in its own rhythm. Just like flowers. Which are able to symbolize different periods of human life. Mastering the art of watercolor, I often experiment with the combination of the compsition. For me watercolor is a combination of lightness and complexity, in the richness of colors and their properties. 

During the period of creative activitiy, I actively participate in are exhibitions and competitions. My paintings were were presented at the All-Ukrainian art exhibitions. And also at international exhibitions. And also at international exhibitions of watercolors in France, Vietnam, Nepal.


"In the old square" 38*56 cm Ukraine 2021 year / Group1 / physical exhibition artwork.

"Aroma of magnolia" (50*70 cm.) watercolour 2021 year

"One special" (50*70 cm.) watercolour 2021 year

"Breath of October" (38*56 cm.) watercolour 2021 year

The magic of the Carpathian storm (56*38)

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