Godiva Accioly

Nickname: Godiva_Accioly
Country: Brazil - Role: Artist

A Brazilian born in Araguari-Minas Gerais, lived in São Paulo where she worked for 20 years in the fashion area, taught at public and private universities and coordinated social projects related to art and education.

Currently, she lives and works in Serra da Mantiqueira, where she dedicates herself to the art of Aquarelle as a means of expression., took place from 2011.

From the master's degree in education carried out at UNICAMP, research done in the field of music (Richard Wagner), an area in which she has a full degree, to a doctorate in art completed at ECA-USP (Performing Arts) and post-doctorate at UNICAMP, a study that addressed the religious painting of Carlos Oswald, strengthened her decision to seek, in the landscape, the field to be explored in the art of Aquarelle. A technique she studied with renowned Aquarellists in Brazil and abroad.

As of 2013, she presented her aquarelles in group shows in Brazil and abroad: Fabriano and Urbino in Italy, Hungary and the United Arab Emirates. She is part of the Brazilian Association of Watercolor and Art on Paper (where she works as first Secretary) and IWS-Brazil.


END.: Caixa postal-76. Tremembé-SP – BRAZIL. CEP 12120-000

Instagram: @godivaaccioly; 

Facebook: GodivaAccioly;

Email: godivaaccioly@bol.com.br

WhatsApp: +55 (11) 99527-9032.

"Capela no Morro do Carioca" 38x56, 2021 - Brazil


Luz de outono


Ah...o céu

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