Ana Griselda Hine Cleves

Nickname: Ana
Country: Costa Rica - Role: Artist
FabrianoInAcquarello 2024 Artist

My name is Ana Griselda Hine and I am a Costa Rican watercolor artist and instructor.      

Watercolor  is my favorite among all other painting techniques, because of its transparency, luminosity and apparent simplicity. Painting watercolor is a game with water, paper and pigment . There are so many different approaches that can be used to convey an image! We can be soft and delicate with controlled glazes, or free and energetic with flowing stains and  loose brushstrokes. We can be experimental and playful letting water and pigment  move freely over the paper, and guide them to produce many varied effects. The challenge of  successful watercolor  painting demands mastering  all these  approaches.

It is very important to share experiences with other artists too, in workshops , collective exhibitions or online. Although creating art is seen as a solitary endeavor in a studio, seeing and sharing other artists viewpoints enlightens the path of creativity  that we share.

I congratulate the creators of the International Watercolor Platform and wish it great success! 

For more information: www.



ANTHURIUM PARADE. 38 x 56 cm 2

White Lillies - Watercolor - 38x56cms - Ana Griselda Hine - Costa Rica

Soul windows 56x76cm 2020

Leaves 56x76cm 2019


Ivy flowers 30x50cm 2018

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