Olga Dadasheva

Country: Luxembourg - Role: Country admin
FabrianoInAcquarello Leader

Déléguée Officielle à l'Aquarelle du Luxembourg et l'Officier Académicienne au sein  de MONDIAL ART ACADEMIA (MAA)

Le Country Leader du Luxembourg  à la Convention International de l'aquarelle "FabrianoinAcquarello2018-2023 Italie

 Over the years she  has been selected many times for the International Watercolor Salons in France and Belgium. Last years are full of selections for the International Watercolor Festivals  and competitions in Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Italy, Albania, Slovenia, Kosovo, Bulgaria, Bolivia, Poland, France, Ukraine, India, Korea where with big honor Olga represents the Watercolor's Art of  Luxembourg. She has been invited in the Expert Councils  to be the member of  the International Jury for the Watercolour competitions worldwide: France, Russia, Belgium, Austria, Poland. Since 2017 she has been passing on her experience and knowledge of watercolor to others as a watercolor 's teacher in France/Luxembourg. A lot of her  works are in private collections in Australia, Luxembourg, Italy, France, India.


Twelve colours 38x56


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