Dedyukhina Elena

Nickname: art_e_d
Country: Russia - Role: Artist

I’m watercolor artist, I use realistic style mixed with bit of expression.

My art helps me to show my inner life. The main themes of the work are human and nature, woman’s place in modern world where ortodox traditions colide with new technologys. My landscape is not just picture, but moreover it’s my own world, my outlook, thoughts & fellings.

Inspired by my native land — sea and mountains, I draw naturalness, freedom and seek to break rules. There is only place where I fell absolutely organically. It is on coniferous mountain slope with heartbreaking sea view, where you can see how wind play with huge trees. I realy hate conventions that restrict person in modern society. In my point of veiw the best path for creator is to be closer to Mother-nature.

Parking in Russia some times looks like a kind of extreme. I'm interested, what do you feel looking at this picture?

Winter carousel


Spring in isolation 2020

Winter in Russian village

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