Hideki Hashimoto

Nickname: Hideki
Country: Japan - Role: Artist
FabrianoInAcquarello 2024 Artist

I’m Hideki Hashimoto, a painter.

It is a landscape painting drawn in watercolor.

Light and moss are playing

It snows silently

苔と新緑と光 410×318(mm) I would be happy if you could feel the beauty of moss, light, and fresh greenery.

一寸の光陰軽んずべからず 530×455(mm) Time passes in the blink of an eye, so don't waste even a little time. That's what I wrote down.

おにぎりうまうま 530×455(mm) I drew this with the hope that all children around the world can enjoy onigiri equally and deliciously at any time.

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