Letizia Monacelli

Nickname: letymon
Country: Italy - Role: Artist
FabrianoInAcquarello 2024 Artist

Member of INARTE and DANIEL SMITH Brand Ambassador, I have been for a long time an architect, focused on interior home and office design.

I graduated from the faculty of Architecture in Rome in 2003, giving a thesis based on the contemporary history of architecture.

Since university, I always used to draw with digital graphic programs (such as Autocad, modelers, renders and Photoshop) and my main favorite tool to explain my projects quicker was the pencil.

In my work-life I digitally designed private homes and offices, a hospital and high end executive office furniture.

I am fond of urban architectonic photography, as an amateur, and most of my shots are transformed into watercolor masterpieces by my husband Giovanni Balzarani, NWS (he is Italy Country Leader of FabrianoinAcquarello & International Watercolor Platform) .

Lately I switched from drawing and digital design to the ‘manual’ watercolor world, keeping and increasing my knowledge and curiosity about colors. 

My watercolors subjects come from my photo archive, my memories, my experience; I try to elaborate my images playing with my favourite colors.


I trust you

Infinite blue

watercolor for ARTPANDEMIA Facebook group



paper box - watercolor for FabrianoinAcquarello2020

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