Galyna KLOSE

Nickname: Gala
Country: Belgium - Role: Artist

I was born in the Siberian city of Omsk and since childhood I fell in love with the Russian winter. As a child, I loved looking at the frosty snow patterns on the windows and in folk patterns. I loved the magic of the decor. He had a certain philosophy and it attracted to itself. I grew up in a Russian-Ukrainian family. When I was 14, my parents changed their place of residence and we moved to live in Ukraine. It is impossible not to love Ukraine. There is a lot of warmth, light and color in it. all this is very clearly expressed in the national flavor. I really wanted to feel it and understand how my ancestors lived. This is probably why I chose the decorative direction in art. I studied with a wonderful teacher, a talented artist, collector of folk art, Padun V.M. Using examples of works by old masters, he explained the principles of artistry. I received my art education in Ukraine, specializing in art painting, then I worked as a designer. At 38, my life changed again, I ended up in Belgium, which impressed me with an incredibly long and beautiful spring. Spring blooms can be enjoyed for months. Spring is always associated with flowering and love. I love to paint spring flowers and the fragile changeable spring state of nature. After moving to Belgium, I continued my education at the Academy of Fine Arts and took up watercolors. My first solo exhibition was in Belgium. My creativity is very much dependent on emotions. With positive emotions, I get inspiration and work is filled with positive energy. Conversely, negative emotions and stress block me and can only ruin my work. I love to draw what inspires me is nature. Three countries are mixed in me and each gives its own energy and inspires beauty. I took part in international watercolor exhibitions in Ukraine and Belgium. I love watercolor for its speed, fluidity.

Karpaty, 2022, 38x56 cm, paper, watercolor.

autumn clouds

autumn leaves



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