Carla Petrini

Nickname: Carla Petrini
Country: Brazil - Role: Artist
FabrianoInAcquarello 2024 Artist

Carla Petrini is an artist, born in São Paulo, Brazil, in 1963, where she lives and works.

Bachelor of Fine Arts with specialization in Engraving and Painting at Faculdade Santa Marcelina, FASM, in 1985 and Postgraduate in Watercolor Painting by the same institution in 1998. Postgraduated in Art terapy at Instituto Sedes Sapientiae in 2023.

Since her graduation, she has been improving her knowledge in the field of Plastic Arts in courses and workshops at Brazil and abroad.

Since 1988 she has been accompanying students in the teaching of watercolor, acrylic and metal engraving, both on regular courses in her studio and in other spaces.

She develops her works with a theme aimed mainly at the vibrant identification with the landscapes where the most intriguing are the infinite open spaces and the breathtaking skies, and where the human figure does not appear.

The chromatic sensitivity and dramatic sense of the landscape are revealed by an exalted feeling of passion for this spiritual dimension of nature, a catalyst for sensitivity. Starting point, but never arrival.

Another aspect of her work is also deeply related to that surrounding landscape, its intimacy and the space that surrounds it. Possibly common themes, but with a deep emotional relationship.

Aquarellist active in the national scene, in addition to individual exhibitions, she has been actively participating in several collectives in Brazil and abroad since 1981.

His works are found in several private collections, in addition to the collections of the MASP - Museum of Art of São Paulo, MAM - Museum of Modern Art, Palace of the Government of the State of São Paulo, Engraving House of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba, MAB FAAP - Brazilian Art Museum, SESC, Círculo Italiano, Pinacoteca of the Cristiano Varella Foundation in Muriaé, MG, Cultural Center of the Brazilian Embassy in Mexico City, Museo

Untitled-223070, 56x38cm, 2023

Untitled 222083, 2022

Untitled 222104

Untitled 221211, 38 x 56 cm, 2021

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